CALL KEN : 0428 574 237

Ken Robshaw
to discover the reason!
Throw guilt away!
It's not your fault!
There is a valid reason for the behaviours or beliefs you wish to change. Willpower alone does not work. Ken will help you reprogramme to enable the changes to be made.
stop talking about it
Break Bad Habits
Quit smoking, drinking alcohol, over eating, improve health and lose weight.
Be prepared to throw cigarettes, booze or junk food in the bin!
Email Ken NOW to learn how he can help you!
take control of
Reduce stress, boost your confidence and change your mindset to live the life you truly desire.
why is Ken called
The ELEPHANT TRAINER uses a unique combination of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Personality Profiling, Pyscho-Cybernetics to access the Subconscious Mind to create positive life changes for his clients.
Ken uses a metaphor to help his clients understand why they cannot achieve the life changes they desire with willpower alone…
Imagine a rider on the back of an elephant, in which the conscious mind is the rider and the subconscious mind is the elephant.
The rider (the conscious mind with its ability to reason) thinks he is in control because he has will power.
But in reality the elephant (the subconscious mind with its lifetime of conditioning and habits) is so strong, that will power alone cannot create the lasting change that we desire!
The only way to train the elephant to go where the rider wants it to go, is to bring in an ELEPHANT TRAINER!
Ken’s amazing skills (he uses a unique combination of Hypnotherapy, Mentalism, NLP, Personality Profiling and Pyscho-Cybernetics) enable him to access your your subsconsious mind and train your elephant to allow you to go the direction you desire.
Ken is the Ultimate Elephant Trainer!

Ken Robshaw
B.Ed; Dip Teach; Author; Certified Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist; Mentalist; NLP Practitioner; Business Coach; Life / Career / Sales Coach; Seminar Presenter
Key - Note Speaker
Hypnotherapy | Life & Career Coaching
Life Keys For Success
Ken Robshaw is an experienced Hypnotherapist who can help you live the life you want.
Servicing the South West - Yallingup | Dunsborough | Busselton | Margaret River | Bunbury & Perth
Hypnosis sessions comply with social distancing rules or can be conducted via Skype.
I met Ken when I was touring galleries in Yallingup and found Kay’s beautiful works in their Lake House Gallery. I noted from a business card that Ken helped with various issues using hypnotherapy, and as I had a habit I wanted to give up, I asked Ken for some help.
Ken and I met a few weeks later and we discussed the habit, and his suggestions for change. He then took me through a hypnotherapy session, talking me through quitting in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. Ken also sent me a recording of our session to listen to again daily in the following week, which I did.
I can certainly say that this process has helped me to achieve what I was seeking, and I feel confident that the habit is broken! It is hard to explain, but I just don’t think about doing that “thing” anymore and I feel great about that!
Ken’s gentle and non threatening demeanour inspired confidence and relaxation, and I would not hesitate to return to him for other matters should I need to.
Caroline, Busselton
I wanted to quit smoking but was very skeptical and a little uncomfortable with the idea of using hypnosis to help me quit.
Ken made me feel completely comfortable by explaining the whole process before we started and I found the experience very relaxing. At the end of the hypnotherapy session I just knew that I would not smoke again and I haven’t!
David W – Spearwood